Thursday, July 15, 2010

Making the Most of it

Life is the most precious gift.I am very thankful for so many blessings ,the path has been hard at times, but good always overcame. Family and friends come first, but I am thankful for being created with a curious and questioning nature, there are not many things that I don't find interesting, even tho I can't understand some of it, I am creative and crafty and this keeps me busy and sane as I grow older. My pressed flower work is a joy. My love of books and reading has strengthened my spirit, opened doors to new places, provided escape when I have needed it and much more. I love most being with my hildren and grandchildren
I want to spend my time doing useful things, spreading the word and contributing my time and efforts to worthwhile causes in my community. I just want to make the most of it!

1 comment:

  1. Dot,
    This sounds great and it sound so like you!
    Love you,
