Thursday, August 12, 2010


Koneko is my cat. I am told that her name is japanese for kitty. I decided to just believe that, but I just call her kitty kitty. She came to live with us about 2 months ago ,she is 7-8 years old and was born in Pearl River, Miss. We had to adjust to one another because I have never had a cat, only dogs, in fact when the kids were growing up each one of them had their own dog (5) and each dog had friends, but they all lived in the yard. I doctored them when they were sick, only learned recently that you don't give a dog aspirin! I have used it a few times when I had a sick animal, today I know more. Pets are really special All of my children have pets today, most them have more than one and they treat them like their babies and I do too! Koneko does not like change, likes the same kind of catfood, food and water in the same place,etc. We love her a lot!


  1. OK, I need to see a picture of her! I posted my cat - Badger a few weeks ago.
