Friday, August 6, 2010

Murals,Mayhaws and Swamp Gravy

Isn't it interesting that we have taken these foods, Mayhaws and Swamp Gravy and written songs and plays about them. They have become our brand here in Colquitt, Georgia. Who would ever have thought such a thing a few years back. The stories about Swamp Gravy (the dish) tell that the indians first cooked this dish.After they had fried their fish, they poured off all but a very small amount of grease and then they chipped up potatoes and onions in the pan, when these were soft they added tomatoes and maybe a little water to make the gravy . Then the best part, they poured the gravey over their hush puppies and enjoyed it with their fish.
The logic........they took what they had and made something good out of it!
More later about Murals and Mayhaws.

1 comment:

  1. Taking what we have and making something good out of it. Advice for us all!
